' Women in Firefighting – Fully Involved Stitching

Women in Firefighting

Posted by David Pickle on

Firefighter used to be an all-male profession in the U.S. until the early 1800s. The first known female firefighter was Molly Williams. She was a slave from New York who was said to be "as good a fire laddie as many of the boys."

Since then, women have been fighting alongside the man both professionally and voluntarily.

Women served as firefighters to replace male firefighters who joined the military during WWII. In the 1960's there were all-female fire companies and in 1971 an all-female crew who fought the wild fires in Alaska and Montana (1971-1972). Eventually, in 1993 Chief Rosemary Bliss became the first female chief.



The perfect way for your little girl to show her Firefighter Girl Power!


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